Swiggy Dineout recently launched its latest campaign, “Sharma Ji Ki Beti,” aimed at revolutionizing the dining-out experience for Indian consumers. The campaign was conceptualized by Toaster India, a leading independent creative agency, for Swiggy Dineout. The campaign’s inception aligns with Swiggy Dineout’s strategic initiative to amplify its presence during the Great Indian Restaurant Festival (GIRF), one of the brand’s flagship events of the year.
At its core, the “Sharma Ji Ki Beti” campaign embodies a fresh narrative designed to foster a deeper connection between Swiggy Dineout and the dining-out culture in India. With an overwhelming majority of dining transactions occurring offline, the campaign presents an opportunity to seamlessly integrate Swiggy Dineout into the Indian dining lexicon. Beyond facilitating transactions, the campaign aspires to embed Swiggy Dineout into the fabric of the Indian dining-out ritual. The overarching goal is to position Swiggy Dineout as the go-to platform for pre-dining-out considerations, emphasizing early decision-making moments. The creative narrative of the campaign draws inspiration from the timeless Indian parental practice of comparing children, encapsulated in the colloquialism “Sharma Ji Ki Beti.” This resonant cultural insight serves as the springboard for Swiggy Dineout’s innovative approach to dining-out validation.
Aparna Giridhar, VP, Marketing, Swiggy, said, “This creative route plays up a new social validation of using Swiggy Dineout before stepping out as the right way to eat out, especially during our biggest annual festival. By humorously portraying this, we encourage users to emulate ‘Sharma ji ki Beti’ for seeking the best dining benefits in town. Building on our core mission of providing unparalleled convenience to consumers, this campaign highlights Swiggy Dineout’s proposition of seamless & joyful dining with maximum savings.”
The campaign debuts alongside Swiggy Dineout’s flagship offering of flat 50% off on dining bills at select premium brands during the Great Indian Restaurant Festival. Subsequent quarters will witness the rollout of multiple films, solidifying “Sharma Ji Ki Beti” as the cornerstone of Swiggy Dineout’s communication strategy.
“Swiggy Dineout is a dream client for any creative team and we’re so kicked we got to collaborate and create a campaign with them. Humour and a strong insight are given with a brief like this and we hope to do a lot more with Sharmaji ki beti as a character” said Ira G Chief Creative Officer, Toaster India
Swiggy Dineout’s “Sharma Ji Ki Beti” campaign marks a paradigm shift in dining-out experiences, urging consumers to explore new culinary horizons with Swiggy Dineout as their steadfast guide. The campaign’s resounding success is evident with over 2.9 million views on YouTube, reflecting its widespread resonance among audiences.